Thursday, February 14, 2008

Hypoglycemia (The Other Sugar Disease) - Book Review

Anita Flegg's book, "Hypoglycemia: The Other Sugar Disease", is a timely, must have book that everyone should read.

The author wanted to share the knowledge she learned from experts in the field, as she is a fellow hypoglycemic. The book mainly covers chronic Hypoglycemia and how you can control and live with it by making changes in your lifestyle and diet.

The beginning of each chapter showcases a person with the disease and their story. "Hypoglycemia" defines what the disease is, the cause and effects of it as well as how to recognize the symptoms that may point to a diagnosis.

An informative, useful, step-by-step workbook is included. It gives you a symptom checklist and teaches you how to track your eating habits by using a journal. You are shown how to change when and what you eat, reduce your sugar intake and find hidden sugars in foods.

This is a well-researched book that lists all of Ms. Flegg's sources. She also supplies the list of organizations where a hypoglycemic can find support groups. This is a book everyone can benefit from as they take care of their health. A definite help and one you will turn to time after time in your quest for a better life.

Congratulations Mr. Flegg for giving the public a definitive book on the disease.

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