Thursday, June 5, 2008


A Step-by-Step Guide To Writing And
Publishing In Your Retirement Years
By Charles Jacobs

Charles Jacobs has written a comprehensive manual for anyone considering writing and publishing a book.
‘The Writer Within You’ is geared towards those who have reached an age where they want to create fiction, nonfiction, or share their wisdom and memories. While this is written as a manual for those who have reached their retirement years, anyone can use the information to guide them through the writing process.
You will find boxes with Words of Wisdom that are liberally sprinkled through the book. Mr. Jacobs starts the book addressing all the concerns of how to start writing and each additional chapter presents a new topic that shows you how to continue the process. The back of the book Appendices lists reviewers, printers, blogs, book coaches, distributors, wholesalers as well as books on writing, just to name a few.
My bookshelves are lined with ‘How To’ books on writing, yet this one stands above the competition. It is a research book and guide that you will use over and over again. You will find it will become your Bible as you pursue your writing experience. A timely book for those contemplating writing and publishing in their retirement years. Finally, there is a research book that does it all for writers!

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