Thursday, February 14, 2008


GRANDLOVING "Making Memories with Your Grandchildren" by Sue Johnson & Julie Carlson

"Grandloving" is a delightful, informative book packed full of activities to share with your grandchildren regardless of their age or if you live 'a world away'... or next door. The activities are arranged by themes and 'do together' projects or those that are 'sent to' the grandchild.

This book touches on how families can work together creating new relationships as the children become new parents and the parents move into their next role of grandparents.

More than an activity guide, Grandloving is a beautifully written book full of common sense suggestions that touch upon how everyone can work through everyday interaction, to how special events and holidays can be celebrated that bring families closer for the happiness of the child.

As a first time grandparent, I am thrilled with this book and look forward to sharing many good times and activities with our new grandchild. This is a must read for anyone involved with children and their happiness.

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